Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Fast Food Nation Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Fast Food Nation - Annotated Bibliography Example The problem arises when the ‘consumed’ food is unhealthy for people. This is identified by Anup Shaha, in his article which is entitled "Effects of Consumerism," as he notes that "today’s commercial markets include a very wide variety of foods that are unhealthy, but attractively marketed to kids† (Shah). Thus, the popularity of fast food in a given society entails the prevalence of the habit of consumerism in that society. In this context, many of the reviewed articles about the issue of consumerism assert that advertising plays a big role in the popularity of a certain food diet in the society. Regarding the issue of fast food, children are the main audience to which fast food ads are directed in order to attract as many young people as possible to this kind of food. As noted by Sandra L. Calvert, in her article which is entitled "Children as Consumers: Advertising and Marketing," â€Å"because of age-based limits in children's ability to understand adver tiser intent, the Federal Communications Commission has placed safeguards into the television advertising marketplace to protect young child audiences" (Calvert). Similar arguments are made by Mary Story and Simone French, in their article which is entitled "Food Advertising and Marketing Directed at Children and Adolescents in the US," and Barbara Sweeny in her article which is entitled "Concerned about Marketing to Children?" Therefore, many of the reviewed articles raise the issue that consumerism is enhanced in a given society by the excessive use of ads that publicize about fast food.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

The Non-Smoking Policy Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 27

The Non-Smoking Policy - Case Study Example These are the people who will be affected by the cost of healthcare that results from smoking. Smoking in the company will affect or harm the non-smokers in the company (second-hand smoking). Non-smokers will have to put have at the risk of smoking-related illness even when they do not smoke. There is a conflict of interest between the employees and the company as employees feel that random testing and smoking ban is a violation of their rights while the employers believe that the policy is for the benefit of the employees. There exists a tension between the rights of the employees and those of the employer. There are no rights that are being ignored, and no one is failing in his or her obligation. The policy is aimed at ensuring a level playing field for all employees (fairness) - to prevent second-hand smoking and first-hand smoking effects. The issue is an ethical issue arising here is whether those employees who are smokers are being discriminated in the workplace. The issue aris ing, in this case, is the cause of the tension between the rights of the employer and the rights of the employee. Â  The possible alternative to the status quo of the affected employees is quit working at Weyco Inc. and seek for a job at the other USA states where measures against smokers are prohibited. The alternative to the status quo of the company is to fire the employees who violate the non-smoking policy for as long as they do not violate the discrimination laws. To achieve a compromise, both the employer and the employees should arrive at a consensus on the way forward. For example, the employer will have to employ a wellness program that will reward those employees who make lifestyle choices that are deemed to be healthy as part of its occupational health and safety.